Mesa Germany GmbH, manufacturer of test systems sold worldwide under the brand name GKE, develops and produces indicators for monitoring and documenting cleaning, disinfection and sterilization processes. Approximately 70 employees work at the production sites in Waldems, 40 km north of Frankfurt and Munich. Both sites house research, development, production and sales.

Mesa Germany GmbH develops indicator inks for chemical indicators and produces them on a 7-color printing and punching machine.
Mesa Germany GmbH manufactures biological indicators in its own microbiological production facility. The inoculation of the biological indicators with spores is automated using robot technology.
GKE products are sold in more than 80 countries worldwide in cooperation with trained local partners. In China Mesa Germany has been running its own sales company for more than 20 years which imports the German-made GKE products and sells them in China.
At the Waldems site process engineers, microbiologists and chemists conduct basic research to evaluate cleaning, disinfection and sterilization processes. The application laboratory is equipped with testing devices, some of which were developed in-house, to enable independent, process-controlled and reproducible measurement of cleaning and sterilization processes. Mesa Germany GmbH cooperates with SAL GmbH, a testing laboratory accredited according to EN ISO 17025.
Mesa Germany GmbH participates in scientific congresses, conducts its own training worldwide and is involved in various working groups, including international standardization.
For the monitoring of automated cleaning processes, Mesa Germany GmbH has developed artificial test soils, GKE-CPI (Cleaning Process Indicators), whose wash-off properties can be adapted to almost any application.
GKE-CPI and all other GKE test systems are used in research, for machine maintenance and for routine monitoring. The systems detect process deviations that would otherwise be overlooked and thus make an important contribution to the reproducibility of critical processes.